On 11th July, we have 18 volunteers from Scottish and Southern Electricity coming to help us to put up fencing and prepare for the installation of a cattle drinking trough.
Summer is here! And nothing conjures up images of sunshine and the warmth and colour of flowery meadows better than butterflies. But with a large scale loss of habitats, three-quarters of British butterflies are in decline.
In March 2014, the Bishop’s Meadow Trust fenced off some of its land adjacent to the Cemetery to create an orchard. At that time, we invited children from 7 local schools to help in planting the fruit trees which was a great success!
Kingfishers are small, unmistakable, bright blue and orange birds of slow moving or still water. They fly rapidly, low over water, and hunt fish from riverside perches, occasionally hovering above the water’s surface.
Peter Holman, the Chairman of South and South East in Bloom, officially presented his Chairman’s Award to the Bishop’s Meadow Trust’s Jim Munro at the Farnham Council Offices on Tuesday 10th January 2017.
The Bishop’s Meadow Trust would like to thank all our members, volunteers and supporters who have made 2016 such an outstanding year for the Bishop’s Meadow and the Trust.