Would you like to know more about what lives on the Bishop’s Meadow? Would you like to gain some new skills in surveying plant and animal life? If so, we would love to hear from you!
We want to find out more detailed information about what the Meadow contains. With expertise from the Surrey Wildlife Trust, the Bishop’s Meadow Trust is planning to carry out a range of comprehensive surveys on plants, birds, mammals, reptiles, bats, moths and butterflies which live on the Meadow.
The information which we get from these surveys will help us develop a new plan for managing the land for the next 3 – 5 years with the aim of increasing bio-diversity. It will also allow us to know what changes take place over that period of time. Do we find more plants and birds or do we find less and why? So it is essential for us to monitor change.
The Bishop’s Meadow Trust is really excited to be able to carry out this work. So if you are interested, please email info@bishopsmeadowtrust.org.uk and we will take it from there. Please keep visiting the website for confirmation of dates.